Spotter Techtalks

Spotter Techtalks

Please enjoy our techtalk recordings to learn more about SpotterRF products, meet the team, and see what's new!

Private Course

Última actualización 02/09/2020
Tiempo de finalización 11 horas 13 minutos
Miembros 301
    • Backyard Drone Demo
    • Basic Site Design Techniques
    • Bosch MIC Camera and SpotterRF
    • CK2B Narrow Beam Sensor
    • Drone Detection System
    • Hosted Model
    • Milestone VMS Integration
    • Over Water Tracking
    • Protección Perimetral
    • Reducing False Alarms
    • Securify - Blue Force Tracking
    • Tracking Inside a Substation
    • VMS Integration with Airship
    • What is motion?