The combination of software and hardware that’s easy to set up, easy to use, and easy to integrate.
Command and Control Software that plays well with others.

NetworkedIO with SPOTTERai Automatic Track Classification: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the automatic classification of targets.
NetworkedIO Virtual Machine integrates multiple Spotter radars and PTZ cameras using a geo-referenced user interface that works right from your browser.
Set Up and Get Started Quickly
NetworkedIO hardware and software work in tandem to create seamless interaction with PTZ cameras and more. Simply install the hardware, open the NetworkedIO interface in your web browser, set alert zones and alerts, then sit back and relax.
SPOTTERai is an automatic track classification included as part of the NIO software that ensures a trainable neural network that based on low-level radar data automatically assigns a classification type and confidence level for each target. The use of AI and Machine Learning in the NIO assists in reducing false alerts and allows end-users to improve the performance of the system simply by manually selecting the type of targets being tracked and retraining the AI.

The NIO DINs is a small ruggedized computer with NIO pre-installed and configured. The DINs is designed to attach to DIN rails making installation easy and fast. The NIO DINs is built to run 24x7 over years of use. It is ideal for on location or at the edge installations.

Like other NetworkedIO appliances, Spotter’s NIO-APL offers a fully-integrated perimeter security solution. Featuring power-redundancy, hardware RAID and powerful hardware. This turnkey rack mounted NIO is capable of supporting up to 50 radars or cameras. Its power allows for RTSP streaming and AI training which provides a more information-rich deployment.

Spotter Global's NIO APP is a NIO software solution that can be installed on a customers Linux server that meets the minimum defined specification for hardware and has an instance of Docker running.

NIO-VM allows for NIO to be installed on any machine capable of running virtual machines and meets our minimum specifications. This allows for customers to decide how powerful they would like their server to be, as well as utilize existing servers on a site to host NIO.
NetworkedIO Specifications
The combination of software and hardware that’s easy to set up, easy to use, and easy to integrate.